Coastal Resources Management

In 1986, the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program established a program to manage coastal resources in Virginia. The actions are defined by an Executive Order signed by the current Governor. There are ten goals and the Accomack-Northampton Planning District Commission (A-NPDC) works with Virginia CZM to design the local program and determine which of the goals the region finds most valuable to work on each year. Each year, the A-NPDC hosts four training sessions, completes a special project, staffs the Eastern Shore of Virginia Ground Water Committee and staffs the Climate Adaption Working Group.

Virginia DEQ – Virginia CZM Program: Executive Order No. 35 (2014) Continuation of the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program

Coastal and Ocean Resource Protection

Goal 1: To protect and restore coastal and ocean resources, habitats, and species of the Commonwealth. These include, but are not limited to, wetlands, subaqueous lands and vegetation, beaches, sand dune systems, barrier islands, underwater or maritime cultural resources, riparian forested buffers, and endangered or threatened species.

Goal 2: To restore and maintain the quality of all coastal and ocean waters for human and ecosystem health through protection from adverse effects of excess nutrients, toxics, pathogens, and sedimentation.

Goal 3: To protect air quality.

Goal 4: To reduce or prevent losses of coastal habitat, life, and property caused by shoreline erosion, storms, relative sea level rise, and other coastal hazards in a manner that balances environmental and economic considerations.

Coastal and Ocean Resource Sustainable Use

Goal 5: To provide for sustainable wild fisheries and aquaculture.

Goal 6: To promote sustainable ecotourism and to increase and improve public access to coastal waters and shorefront lands compatible with resource protection goals.

Goal 7: To promote renewable energy production and provide for appropriate extraction of energy and mineral resources consistent with proper environmental practices.

Coastal and Ocean Management Coordination

Goal 8: To ensure sustainable development on coastal lands and support access for water-dependent development through effective coordination of governmental planning processes.

Goal 9: To avoid and minimize coastal and ocean resource use conflicts through research, planning, and a forum for coordination and facilitation among local, regional, state, and federal government agencies, interest groups, and citizens. 

Goal 10: To promote informed decision-making by maximizing the availability of up-to-date educational information, technical advice, and scientific data including the use of new tools such as marine spatial planning.